Daily Terror war eine Deutschpunk-Band aus Braunschweig mit großer Bekanntheit in der Punkszene; sie tourte unter anderem auch in Frankreich und Tschechien. They changed their name to Daily Terror in 1980. In 2006 Pedder and the rest of the band parted ways. Pedder continued with Daily Terror, while the other band members formed a new band called [a2010788]. Pedder Teumer died in 2009, there has been no activity of the band since his death. Last active lineup: Peter „Pedder“ Teumer - vocals Ecki Vemmer - guitar, vocals Jenny Simic - bass Daniel Laudahn - drums
andere zeiten
durchbruch and gefuhl und hurte
krawall 2000
schmutzige zeiten
Entzuteko sakatu abestien estekak / to listen click on song links