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Genossen were founded in Reutlingen, Southwest Germany, in 1984 after the split up of Die Alten.


Virus (Voice), Schilli (Bass), Schneller (Guitar) and Matsch (Drums) was the first line-up of the band. The fast Hardcore-Punk of Genossen with its engaged, leftist german lyrics soon developped a big fan community. After several gigs all over Germany Genossen was the first Western punkband to play the socialist country of Hungary in 1985. The first 3 tapes got good reviews in European and US fanzines (Flipside, Maximum Rock'n Roll). This resulted in a 6-song-EP in 1988 on Empty Rec. On this EP MR-16 replaced Matsch on the drums. At the end of 1988 the line-up changed again with Klausi on drums and Markus on bass guitar. This line-up recorded another tape. In 1989 there was the last change in the line-up with Schilli again on bass and voice and Schneller on guitar and voice. They recorded the last tape "Das Böse" and the band broke up.



genossen entzun



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