Man Is the Bastard was an American hardcore punk band based in Claremont California. The band existed from 1990 to 1997 releasing mostly vinyl splits extended plays and albums on obscure labels from around the world. By 1997 the group ended and members all went on to do other projects such as the noise group Bastard Noise which originally started out as a Man Is the Bastard side project. They are typically seen as part of the 1990s powerviolence movement.Man Is the Bastard has dissolved but its members are involved with a number of other projects. Wood occasionally performs in the Los Angeles area as Bastard Noise. Kenyon and Connel continue to perform in progressive rock acts such as Frank Booth Youth Bastard Lounge ControllingHand Lux Nova Umbra Est and Umbra Vita. Andy Beattie continues doing vocals. Staying within his Hardcore/Powerviolence roots he has performed/screamed in such bands as Controlling Hand Low Threat Profile Infest Dead Language featuring members from Iron Lung and Cave State. His current band Dead Mans Life 2018 performs the Los Angeles area. His solo band Institute of Infinite Sorrow is also active. Dubbing the band "power violence," the sound was a brutal mix of complicated technical riffing and straight-up hardcore. Members were interested in the burgeoning electronic noise scene, something that affected their music greatly. The group lasted until 1997, when they mutually decided that if they continued they would no longer make quality music. The members still work together on projects, including Wood's Bastard Noise projects.
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