irratian entzuten diren 508 bilduma abestien zerrenda / list of songs from the 508 compilation albums played on punk irratia
100 antirrepresivo
100 papel del wc vol 1
100 papel del wc vol 2
100 papel del wc vol 3
100 papel del wc vol 4
100 papel del wc vol 5
1984 the first sonic world war
5mdr and loscos brigade and shameless and zona dombra
4 per as tutti
scheiss drauf
italian hardcore bands
a compilation of deleted dialogue
a country fit for heroes
heritiers des luttes dhier militants daujourd hui
history lessons
actitud palencia
aht eta beste proiektu txikitzaileak gelditu
a kick up the arse 1
alfatec and anno senza estate
do it yourself makes you free
amenaza mexicana vol 1
ensure your needle is clean and free of dust
anarcho punk compilation-anti-capitalism
anarcho punk compilation-anti-society
anarcho punk compilation-anti-state
anarcho punk compilation-anti-war
norsk punk 79-81
punk rarakk og aggresjon
a sfaccimm da gente
truck stop toilet
antinazi 01
antinazi 02
antinazi 03
antinazi 04
antinazi 05
antinazi 06
antinazi 07
antinazi 08
antinazi 09
antinazi 10
antinazi 11
antinazi 12
antinazi 13
antinazi 14
antinazi 15
antinazi 16
antinazi 17
antinazi 18
antinazi 19
antinazi 20
antinazi 21
antinazi 22
antinazi 23
antinazi 24
antinazi 25
antinazi 26
antinazi 27
antinazi 28
antinazi 29
antinazi 30
antinazi 31
antinazi 32
antinazi 33
antinazi 34
antinazi 35
antinazi 36
antinazi 37
antinazi 38
antinazi 39
antipasma + escato
king of scum world championship
anarcho punk compilation vol. i
diritto dillusione-escort punk
unlimited genocide
apocalypse chaos
canya de la muntanya
va-a sides part two-1982-1984
crumbling concrete and rusted iron
3 way split
we are the world
a traves de los barrote
dai sobborghi
audiokangrena + autosecuestro
the bristol compilation
forgotten gems and unknown curios
a wicked good time
azpeitia desegin 2
babette vageena and her clone-roxy epoxy
back to punk
back to punk 2
ball de bastons-makil dantza
bek and silikosos
belgique putain frigide
bidasoa attak
blood on the roq
bloodstaina across spain
boogie down
borockari loturik-condenados a luchar
attack of the suburbanites
borghetti crew split
britannia waives the rules
the assassination of mayor giulianiyour world
cant cheat karma records
bullshit detector 1
bullshit detector three
bullshit detector 2
1995-burgos me mata
a history of punk
canadas pissed vol3
can of pork
canto de sirena
captain oi presents hits
catalunya explota
split do it yourself
bull brigade+non servium
chaos in basque country
chaos in colombia 1
chaos in tarragona
the disturbed side
cientiros + intoxikaos
ancora fantasmi
cinta antifascista
cinta antirracista
cinta okupa
conflict for freedom 2004
contenders-unsanitary napkin
contra las carceles v02
come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata
fight for your life-keep on running
crass and poison girls
youve heard it all before
the oi collection
c.s.a. subeltz
cumstains over my record collection
ddr storfaktor
01 retumba
worst of the 1in12 club vol14-15
dejad que los niños se acerquen a eskorbuto
aqui todos somos iguales
the ex and chumbawamba split 1986
destruye el fascismo
difficile credere ad una compilazione di old school italiano
beast or burden
discharge and the filth
disco homenaje espasmodicos
numero 666
disgusto e strafottenza vol. 1
disrupt and resist
disturbance and burning lady
d.i.y. yeah
deus ex machina
electrocute your cock
electrocute your cock vol 2
el futuro es nuestro
benefit compilation
el lokal distribuidora
el pueblo contra el fascismo
the dog bastard
esperti navigatori vol ii
este sinte mata fascistas
fame neghra and dirty barriguitas
feed your head and hex
finnish spunk-hard beat
first italian punk contest
clockwork kids still alive
fourteen years ago
free punk for the punx vol 5
german mystic sound sampler 1
german mystic sound sampler 3
german mystic sound sampler 4
german mystic sound sampler v
give us a future
city of christmas ghosts
colera-olho seco-inocentes
punks for biologica squat
punks for sof
punks for wildfire victims
working class showdown
hardcore non si comanda-vol1
hardcore non si comanda-vol2
heroina no
hier regiert das faustrecht
historia del punk en méxico
united we stand
inkilinos del obispo + audiokangrena
side by side
irola anti-system sound
its a youth explosion vol2
i ve got those demo-lition blues
jams and other erotic daydreams
to the lost
je suis ne dans une poubelle
hannover punk 78-84
independent uk punk rock 1977-1979
ti ho visto morire
kaña al 92
kaos kooperativ-achtung
kaos kooperativ-tados
dias de furia
orgullo sudakas
killed by death british diy vol 1
kortatu+cicatriz+jotakie+kontuz hi
punk rockia pienkustanteilta 1977-1983
la conquista del punk vol5
la conquista del punk vol 7
la conquista del punk vol 8 2
la masacre continua
la nostra scelta
larga vida a rip
las palabras nos separan, los hechos nos unen
la urss mas coprolitos
assignees a resistance
lets die
let them eat jellybeans
libertad a lxs presxs politicxs de la revuelta
a la memoire de
local punk for global chaos
kaos kooperativ-novi tsvetya-the pauki
lodore del sangue non ha eta
oi the split
maraboots and stomper 98
masacre 68-histeria
punk de ecuador
lisbonne versus paris
matrax womens alternative compilation cassette
bye bye donny
mein trumpf
skins and punx new generation vol 1
me want breakfast
mierda de bizkaia 77-89
mns and the krushers
here to stay
a new zealand punk compilation
nafarroa 1512-2012
nicaragua rock
no 92
the punk singles collection vol2
malang skinhead
nos annees punk 1977-1980
numero 666
vivi nel 2020-benefit brigate volontarie
och hor sen
oh no its more from raw
oi aint dead 2
oi aint dead 3
oi aint dead 4
oi aint dead 5
oi aint dead 6
oi aint dead 7
oi made in malaysia vol 1
on the street
25 urte bidea egiten
al diavolo il tesoro, prua dritta verso il mare
otsoaren aiuria
oversea connection
stories of suburbia
a torino
foad to you fascist american contra scum
va-paris on oi
perras salvajes-bataalla
very disaster
skateboarding down merlins hill with penny harry
pogo parties and promille vol 1
pogo parties and promille vol 2
polilla and fantasma fantasia
polska nova fala
potato-tijuana in blue
powerpearls 4
gegen den zeitgeist
punish or be damned 3
compilation 1
further charges
the final solution
punk and new wave 1976-1979
va-punk and oi vol 2
punk around the clock
punk canada compilation vol 1
punk contra o fascismo
nah mate the smell is jus summink in yer underpants innit
punk dead-nah mate
a tribute to pink floyd
punk for ukraine vol1
punk for ukraine vol2
punk for ukraine vol3
punk for ukraine vol4
va-punk in the streets vol1
va-punk in the streets vol2
va-punk in the streets vol3
va-punk in the streets vol4
va-punk in the streets vol5
va-punk in the streets vol6
va-punk in the streets vol7
va-punk in the streets vol8
va-punk in the streets vol9
va-punk rock 77 new wave 77
punk rock rarities vol 1
punk rock rarities vol 2
punks for david
punk territory vol1-usa 1976-81
gb 1979-82
us hardcore 1981-84
a benefit compilation for rape crisis
punx against trump
a benefit compilation
punx riot
puzkarra records-bardulia sound cd1
rafa libre
rar und unveroffentlicht ddr punk 80-89
turistas alemanes asesinos
really fast vol 1
il calcio e una cosa seria
fuck all goverments
resiste cros 10
reyerta fanzine
ripst records compilation
rock anti mili
when punk met reggae 1975-1982
sabotage 2001
samoans plays ramones
senza frontiere and feccia rossa
the swindle continues
sf underground 2
shrapnel and symbol of freedom
shrapnel and toxic ephex
sicher gibt es bessere zeiten 2
tormentum insomniae
skinheads against animal cruelty
skins e punks = t.n.t.
sorgin gaua 2011
va-spansuls 1981-84
vol 05
comandante records split series vol 1
no borders for rude rockers
ready steady go! for dirty play
superiority sounds
superiority sounds v3
madri que bien resiste
telekoma-die bockwurschtbude
who killed bambi
deadly dose-dosis mortal
reminence of a destructive age-the other operation
querida escena
comin blood and hey hey were the gonads
va-the bristol punk explosion 1977-1979
va-the bristol punk explosion vol 2 1977-1981
the chineapple punx and ciderfex
power split
the kidnappers and modern pets 21 killer tracks
international punx split
symphony of destruction
the master tape vol2
strength in unity
the punk, the bad and the ugly
legacy of bigotry
thesaurus 2
bridge the gap
the sick and chaos
oi the split volume 1
va-they only come out at night
this is the alf
punkrock gdr 1980-1089
revolution has no borders
bostons finest
the truth will be heard
va-trash on delivery
vol2 rabies
tributo a camera silens
tributo a guerrilla urbana
tributo punk a victor jara
trouble with a capital
10 urte ametsak autogestionatzen
u jugoslaviji sve je dobro
uliczni wojownicy tribute to the analogs
ultimatum + nacionales + porkeria-t
from the lagan to the lee
united skins
urko and the chineapple punx
usa 1981
vancouver evolution
varlin-collectif mary read
viva canarias libre de cualquier estado
viva la punk 1978-1988 vol 2
we dont want your fucking law
we dont want your fucking war
a-heads+organized chaos+wild youth
we wont be your fucking poor
we wont take no more
when men were men and sheep were scared
where birdmen flew revisited vol 3
who what why when where
you are not alone
y seguimos resistiendo
time to move onstate rape
zombie rock a worldwide tribute to nabat
zona especial norte rip+eskorbuto
Entzuteko sakatu abestien estekak / to listen click on song links