The Psychos formed back in '79 in Chesterfield in the midlands, while the original members were still at school but it wasn't until '81 when they left the rehearsal room and started gigging. After an early exit by the guitarist, they settled on the lineup that went in to record a 4 track demo tape, Chiz (Shakespear), Mick Shakespear, Paul Riley and Neil Hawkes. The self titled demo tape had the songs, 'Not Wanted', 'Get the Band Off' and 'The Thatcher'. Released on their own label, Brain Splat Records, the band sold over 500 copies at gigs and in local record shops.
game over
not racist just bald
rotten and rancid
two wrongs make a riot
Entzuteko sakatu abestien estekak / to listen click on song links